Structural Engineering Design for Underpinning and Shoring

Structures often exhibit signs of differential settlement due to not being founded on firm strata. This can be due to poor design and construction on the erection of the building, geological events, or other reasons.

Underpinning is a process of stabilizing a structure based on various technical data considered by an Engineer.

Sydney Engineers are the first and best choice for advice in Underpinning design projects, having specialised in underpinning design and construction for over 30 years.

Many structures across Australia have suffered structural damage because they have been built with inadequate footings. Traditionally, this has been due to a lack of well considered technical knowledge and advice in relation to soil behaviour, bearing capacity, drainage and reaction to moisture. Accordingly many buildings built without the guiding knowledge of an expert Engineer require underpinning as part of structural rectification works.

Several problems we have encountered in this field are misconceptions about the suitability of resin injection methods, poor design, impractical design born of a lack of experience, and underpinning which has failed due to inadequate design and supervision during construction. In our residential project portfolio we have become well aware of building contractors whom have given dubious advice to unsuspecting owners about how to solve the problem without the necessary skill, qualification or experience to do so. As a result we are regularly called on for expert advice in this field.

Our many years experience have included extensive advice in relation to standard underpinning of residential, commercial and industrial sites, projects characterized by various complexities, and also heritage listed properties.

Irrespective of your method of underpinning, you can rely on Sydney Engineers to provide an effective, efficient and reliable solution. We can further recommend contractors with the proven experience to assist you should this be required.

Use the contact details below to discuss this further with us.


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