How To Mitigate or Stop Tree Root Damage? |
Clay particles are made up of multiple layers of flat platelets. When the soil moisture varies due to tree root interference, these platelets can collapse, which over large soil areas, results in subsidence. This subsidence can affect surrounding paths, structures and infrastructure. Of Course, the majority of well meaning Building Consultants, Local Council administrators and indeed many landscapers and building professionals are completely unaware of CSIRO research and Australian Standards guidelines that unequivocally support the reality that Trees and buildings are a disastrous combination.
Our Engineers have experience as an Expert Witnesses in the Land and Environment Court in disputes brought before this jurisdiction. Whether you need for advice relates to legal proceedings, advice on how mitigate or stop tree root damage, or you simply need advice on tree root damage generally, Sydney Engineers can provide you with a professional opinion of weight and substance Please call Sydney Engineers (02)9529 0899, Mob. 0418 424 921, Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it