How To Remedy Steel Corrosion/Rust Damage in Construction |
Steel is usually chosen in construction for its many benefits which include strength, ease of fabrication, and cost. However despite the many benefits of the use of steel, it corrodes in most atmospheres.
Structural Engineering Service for Impact Damage Building |
Impact damage often presents situations where the professional services of a Structural Engineer are required to advise a concerned property owner of the proper course of action moving forward.
Structural Engineering Design for Underpinning and Shoring |
Structures often exhibit signs of differential settlement due to not being founded on firm strata. This can be due to poor design and construction on the erection of the building, geological events, or other reasons.
Underpinning is a process of stabilizing a structure based on various technical data considered by an Engineer.
Structural Design and Advice for Residential dwellings |
Structural Engineers advise on matters relating to the design of structures that support or resist loads. They are qualified professionals who are responsible for the structural design of any structure. This is contrasted to the role of an Architect who might conceptualise the visual and operational aesthetic of a structure. If you are building a structure regulated by law, you will need the services of a Structural Engineer.
Disputes About Structures Built without Council approval |
Sydney Engineers regularly acts for parties involved in disputes about structures and building works undertaken without council approval.
In our experience, Local Councils sometimes find it necessary to take action against owners for illegal building work, with orders to demolish a distinct possibility. The expert evidence of a Professional Engineer can be critical in the outcome of such an investigation.
Structural Engineering advice on Shopfront Awnings |
As many Shopfront awnings age out of sight and are often not maintained, they are increasingly posing a public health hazard.
In response to recent accidents involving the collapse of Shopfront awnings and their duty of care obligations, local councils across Australia have recently clamped down on ageing awnings in need of repair.
Expert Advice on Repairing & Halting Concrete Spalling |
Concrete spalling is often termed concrete cancer. Its main symptom is� concrete flaking from the surface of the affected area accompanied by nearby staining. Staining can be a first symptom, with a commonly held misconception being it is caused by the weathering process.
Dilapidation Reports on Buildings and Infrastructure |
Dilapidation Reports are either required for two reasons. First, a Local Council might impose the need for a report pursuant to a Development Approval. Second, the prudence of an owner or building professional aware of the litigious nature of the building industry might deem it necessary to have such a report.
How To Mitigate or Stop Tree Root Damage? |
Trees, shrubs and gardens planted close to a structures often prove damaging to the structure. Tree roots cause moisture changes and can lift footings. Tree roots grow well beond he circle of their exterior leafage.
Structural Engineering Service For Wall Cracking |
Cracking of masonry buildings is a common issue in Australia. The causes can be numerous and include the following:
- Corrosion of lintels or embedded steelwork or decay of embedded timber within walls;
- Tree root interference;
Structural Engineering Service for Wall Removal or Wall Opening |
As a result of a colonial influence, many Australian homes were built with privacy and cold climates in mind. Recent Architectural trends and consumer preferences have seen a shift towards living areas being more open to facilitate social interaction, entertaining, and a more pleasing living space aesthetic.
Retaining Walls Design and Structural Integrity of Existing Walls |
Retaining walls are a common feature of all construction sites. Despite being relatively simple structures, the development and conception of retaining walls prior to construction is not founded in proper Engineering principles set out in the relevant Australian Standard, AS 4678-2002, Earth Retaining Structures.